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How my journey began…

Reverend Morgan Patterson is a Polarity Energy Healer and a practitioner of the ancient art of plant medicine. As you walk into her office, after leaving your shoes and cares outside the door, you will be met by the comforting smell of Sage and Frankincense. Utilizing her 50+ years of meditation practice, as a method to balance her own life as a 40 year, Registered Nurse in critical care medicine, she has created a unique method of healing. She blends the practices of Energy healing and plant medicine, which bridge the gap between science and spirituality. She also is a minister with the Alliance of Divine Love Ministry, which is always looking to choose the highest degree of love in thoughts, words and action.

If you are interested in experiencing what a healer with caring hands and a way with ancient plant medicine can do to support you in experiencing the life you have always dreamed of, contact me by pressing the ”Lets Connect” button, where we can meet and strengthen the peace, happiness, and health you have been longing for.

What people are saying…

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It all begins with an idea. SOS Serve Our Sisters was such an idea. There are woman in our community that have come upon hard times. Maybe an illness, or an injury. Maybe a death, or a divorce or breakup. Whatever it is We are being called to Serve Our Sisters. What if you could be part of a group that raises money for local woman? What if you only had to spend one hour per quarter? Members donate whatever they are comfortable donating 30-to $3000 each quarter. Those feeling a financial crunch will send in their request of need, and monthly, the members of SOS will help decide how those funds are spent and who received them? If we have 100 women that donate 100.00 per quarter we could share $10,000 with our Sisters in Need.

For More information contact Rev. Morgan Patterson at


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